Procrastinate -to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. As
students and adults we are all at some point guilty of procrastinating. I would
like to bet that while leading up to this post everyone prepped about the same
way. Think about it, after class knowing about the next assignment, at some
point you said I need to do my homework and get it out of the way so I do not
have to worry about it later. Then either two things happened: one- you sat
down that night and got your work done; or two (of the more likely) – that night
you thought about your work and then said “well I will just do it tomorrow”.
Well most like, tomorrow turned into today and the deadlines creped up before
you noticed.
I know this happens to me all the time. I convince
myself that I will, get off work and do this, this, and this/ wake up early and
accomplish everything, but who I am kidding it always happens the same; I DON’T. I usually find myself creeping
around on Facebook, captured my some show on TV, or my all time favorite sleep.
Now of course I know the way to not procrastinate is to simply NOT to
procrastinate, but that is way easier said then done. How exactly do I
motivate myself to not procrastinate?
First I would say do not be around distractions.
Turn off that TV show and started the work before logging in to a social network.
I know this is extremely difficult when today’s culture is desperate to know what
is going on. (Who is dating who, who’s prego, oh no he/she didn’t social blah
blah blah) However I like to take these unbearable urges and turn them into
rewards. For example, after I am done with this post I will be rewarding myself
with a quick look on Facebook, coffee, and a long needed cigarette.
So to make that possible sometimes I like to think
like to think about the essay “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott. I find the quote,
"It's not like you don't have a choice, because you
do--you can either type or kill yourself", to be very helpful
when I find myself not wanting to write.